Scott Pilgrim Beat Down Meme

That One Time I Got Totally Shredded By Reddit…

Almost one year ago, I got practically shredded on Redding for daring to have the audacity to post the question, “When Will Shmups ‘Grow Up’?”

Straw Man Fallacy
The Straw Man Fallacy

And, boy…let me tell you…I was immediately shredded for it! Haha! 😆 I mean…it’s kinda funny now. But at the time, I didn’t appreciate all the lazy straw man rebuttals to my original commentary (OP). I’ve never understood why people take shit online so personally. *shrugs* Of course, not all the commentary was denigrating. But still…my opinions on the matter were less than well-received.

In a way, though, you can kind of thank those internet goons for pushing me over the edge, and inspiring me to pursue making my own game just to prove that there is merit to my idea.

Scott Pilgrim Beatdown
“Why aren’t people nice on the internet?” /sarcasm

For the curious (and for the record), you will find the post in-question below…

P.S.: If you wish to reply to my Reddit commentary, then I ask that you please not “bump” it, and instead, submit your replies here to my personal blog. Thank you in advance!

P.S.S.: Don’t let this post’s featured image fool you: I’m nobody’s “victim”, m’kay? So do yourself the favor of not flattering yourself with that utterly predictable insinuation. I’m not here seeking your’s or anyone else’s validation. It’s called “satire”, homies. I’m doing this for my own personal enjoyment. So…I don’t know…maybe chill TF out and join me for a good laugh or two…?

P.S.S.S: Why, yes…I am VERY defensive…thanks for noticing! And yes, I am painfully aware of that, but thanks for reminding me anyway. *hard eye roll* However, last I checked, I wasn’t a horse, soooo…

Get All The Way Off My Back Meme
I’m gonna need you to get all the way off my back about that…